This is an excerpt from the Worktrotter's Guide to Denmark.
I received a lot of helpful advice, information and materials in order to write this book. I would like to thank everyone involved for this support.
Many expats have told me about their experiences in Denmark, which has helped me provide a more complete picture. Moreover, a number of Danes have provided assistance with expert knowledge and detailed descriptions ensuring that the information provided is factual and accurate.
I would like to personally thank the following:
– Anne Kamphausen (Germany) – Jennifer Herløv (Hong Kong)
– Annika Schwenk (Germany) – Julie Rønne (Denmark)
– Barbara and Ron Baynes – Line Corr (Denmark)
(South Africa / Great Britain) – Lone Alstrup and Søren Krüger (Denmark)
– Becky Greene (Great Britain) – Lucie Schellberg (Germany)
– Benny Myssing Pedersen (Denmark) – Marcus Faber (Germany)
– Bernd Reuß (Germany) – Morten Jordt Duedahl (Denmark)
– Bettina Weber Wismann (Denmark) – Michael Christiansen (Denmark)
– Bjarne Andersen (Denmark) – Nuray Uzun (Turkey)
– Bo Fønss (Denmark) – Paula Jota Pedersen (Brazil)
– Bodil Terkelsen (Denmark) – Pernille Jordt Duedahl (Denmark)
– Brian Keith (Canada) – Petra Hechenberger (Austria)
– Dagmar and Andreas Geiss(Germany) – Rachelle Mee-Chapman (USA)
– Ebbe Vonsbæk (Denmark) – Rasmus Nygaard (Denmark)
– Finn Rasmussen (Denmark) – Rebecca Fay Orman (USA)
– Guillermo Martinez (Spain) – Sharon Benton (USA)
– Hanne Langkjær-Øhlenschlæger (Denmark) – Soumitra Burman (India)
– Harry Jørgensen (Denmark) – Tina Engelsgård (Denmark)
– Helen Springall (Great Britain) – Tom Wismann (Denmark)
– Holger Kropp (Germany) – Udo Schröder (Germany)
– Jan Svensen (Denmark) – Ursula Behrle (Germany)
Many of the “Saving Tips“ in Chapter 17 derive from the knowledge of Charlotte McKay (USA) and her friends. The “Safety Tips“ in Chapter 18 I owe to Fiona Thomas (Great Britain), President of the Ladies International Network København (LINK).
I thank them both for their generousity and making this valuable information available to a larger audience.
I’d like to thank Dan Langlois (Canada) and Emily Clark (USA) for their support in providing high quality feedback.
A special thanks goes to James Bonham of jfb Webdesign (LA) for his excellent work on the Worktrotter website and to Laura Stadler-Jensen (LB), the editor of this guide, for her good
quality work.
I am especially thankful to Casper Tybjerg and “Sund og Bælt” for the picture on the cover of the guide, as well as to Mikael Colville-Andersen / Copenhagen Cycle Chic, and the companies Jyske Bank, Eva Solo and Velux for the pictures supplied.
A big thank you goes to Erwin M. Schmidt for his advice and his links to potential helpers and to Klaus Schmidt for his support with logistical aspects.
Above all, I wish to thank my “Danish prince“, Lars Jordt, who has always supported me with great ideas, vast knowledge and loving patience.
Previous: How to read the guide Table of contents Next: Culture shock
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Denmark seen with international eyes
The Worktrotter books
Business-Dances with Danes
For those working with Danes and those trying to find work in Denmark.
This book is also aimed at those Danes who want to become conciously aware of the Danish workplace culture.
Find out how to decode Danish work culture, avoid pitfalls and know how you can bring your messages across when working with Danes.
The Worktrotter's Guide to Denmark
For current and future newcomers to Denmark.
A practical step-by-step guide about living and working in Denmark. Save time, nerves and money. Be smart and do things right - right from the start.
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Our Partners
The Worktrotter web site was developed by
jfb Webdesign, who provide web design and developement services
Foreigners in Denmark is a social network for foreigners / expats living in Denmark, cooperating closely with Worktrotter
Photojournalist and event photographer Matthew James Harrison